Enter Purchase Orders

Enter Purchase Orders

This program provides a facility to create Purchase Orders:

This is the default location of the Purchaser and is used to display the delivery address from the Internal Company record on this location. An alternative location can be selected if multiple purchase locations are in use. The different Locations may have different numbering sequences in use. There are Control Parameters to configure defaults for this field.

Enter, or use the <F4> Search to select from the list, a Suppliers Alpha Code or AP Account Code (Account for this supplier as established in your Accounts Payable system). The Supplier's Name will appear in the adjacent field so that you may verify a correct selection.

Generate Purchase Order Number
This button will be activated if there is a Next Purchase Order Number entered as part of the Location details associated to either the Supplier or the Employee who is doing the data entry (via the Profit Centre which is specified as part of the Employee record). The structure of the Profit Centre record takes precedence over the Location. Thus, if a Supplier is associated with a Location for which there is a Next Purchase Order Number entered, but the person entering the data (logged on) is associated with a Profit Centre which does not, the button will be "greyed out" and inoperable.
The button will be deactivated ("greyed out") if this data is absent.
If this button is activated, "pressing" it will generate the Purchase Order Number.

PO Number
Either uses the Generate Button if activated, or enter manually the Purchase Order Number manually.

Select a Contact from the list associated with the Supplier selected if required.

Postal Addr
Here you can select the address for sending this PO.

Entered By
The system records in this field the name of the user who has raised this Purchase Order.

The Purchaser will default to the name of the person has logged on to the system. If this is not the correct name, it is possible to select another Employee Name from the list.

Assign this PO for Approval by another user by pressing F3 here. Alternatively enter the Approver who must be setup with appropriate approval rights. See the section on PO Approvals at the end of this manual.

PO Details
Enter any textual information or notes which may be relevant to this Purchase Order.

Deliver To Company
You can select a Company and choose one of their addresses as the Purchase Order delivery address. Once the Company has been selected the default Physical address will be shown in the 'Del Addr' field. You can select an alternative address by using the drop down to the right of the field.

Job Site Address
You can select a Job and use the 'Site Address' as the Purchase Order delivery address.

Del Addr
This field displays the current delivery address. It will initially default to the address of the internal company. You are also able to freely type in an address into this field.

Purchase Order Date
This will default to the computer system date, but it may be altered if required.

Other Dates
This button opens the screen shown below.

Required Date
The date entered into this field is not used for checking purposes by the system, but it can be part of the information printed on the Purchase Order itself. Thus, if it is relevant to set a Date by which delivery is required, then this information should be entered into this field.

FC Code
This is the default FC Code setup for this Supplier (Company). This can be changed but may cause a problem in the host Accounts Payable system if that system does not support invoices different currencies on the same supplier.

FC Rate
This is the current default exchange rate for this currency code but can be changed for this Purchase Order.

PO Reason
These user defined codes can be used to analyse orders for reporting purposes.

PO Type
These user defined codes can be used to analyse orders for reporting purposes.

This field cannot be altered, but it will be set to "checked" by the system when all lines are checked as completed.

Job Code
Each line of a Purchase Order is associated to a Job via the entry in this field. Enter a code manually or use the <F4> Key access to the Job Search function.

Line Basis for Purchasing

  • The Line Type for purchasing has three options – 'C' (Catalogue Lines), 'A' (Activity Codes) 'S' (Supplier Code)*

Activity Code Based Purchasing

  • The Activity provides for Workbench analysis and GL Integration. The Description field which follows and the Details field below, both provides space to include, for each line, more details regarding the product or service being ordered.
    Valid Activities can be entered manually or selected from the list available. The Activity Group on the job determines the list of Activities available.

The Description of the Activity selected will be displayed in this field. However, the contents of this field can be edited to more fully describe the goods or services being ordered.

Work Centre
The code which will be displayed in this field will be the default which is set up against the Activity. As it is only a default, a different Work Centre can be selected from the list available.

Unit Rate
The Rate is the Unit of Measure value for the goods or services being purchased. The Total Cost will result from the extension of this information in conjunction with the Quantity – i.e. Rate x Quantity.

Qty [WBFUT:F4]
Always defaults to 1. Enter a value being the Quantity being ordered. You can also press the [WBFUT:F4] key here which will bring up a window for calculating the total Quantity when buying lengths of material.

The value displayed will be the result of the entries in the Rate and Quantity fields.

Check this field when the goods or services on this line have been delivered or performed.

When the Job Number is selected for each line on the Purchase Order, the Description of that Job will be displayed in this field to assist with verification.

Should you require adding further detail to Purchase Order lines, text can be added into this field. This text will be printed on the Purchase Order. To view all the text which has been added into this field, press the button.

PO Line Reference
You can enter any specific reference details related to the current Purchase Order Line here.

Required Date
You can enter a required delivery date for this particular line item here.

Follow Up Date
You can enter a follow up date for this line item here.

Remaining Quantity
This information is maintained manually and is optional data. If a partial delivery has been received, the purpose of this field is to record the quantity still to be delivered.

For each line on the Purchase Order, it is possible to define an actual cost which is different from the Cost x Rate calculation. The Cost entered in this field is the cost which will actually be charged on to the Job.

Uncommitted Budget
The Budget outstanding on that line.

Catalogue Line Based Purchasing
All purchasing to stock must be through Catalogue lines and can only be initiated through Purchase Orders.

On the Purchase Order Line choose a 'C' Type line. This will open up the Line Code field for data entry. Enter the Catalogue Code if you know the item you wish to purchase, or you can Press F4 to bring up the Catalogue Lookup

Note that Catalogue Code, Supplier part No and Stock Code are in blue. Click on any of these and they become the listed code to sort by.

  • Click on the blue displayed code or Description at the top of the screen and this sorts the displayed data.
  • You will be taken to a list of the Catalogue lines for the Supplier on the PO.
  • If this list is insufficient go back to the Filter to refine your selection
  • Press Display to return to the List.

Select one or more Catalogue lines that you are purchasing:

  • The Work Centre Code and Activity Code will be validated in relation to normal data entry rules, and can be changed in the Catalogue Lookup form at the line level.
  • The OK button brings the selected line(s) into the Purchase Order.
  • You can then enter the required order Quantity against each of the Purchase Order lines.