New Job Adjustment Batch Setup

New Job Adjustment Batch Setup

Click the "New Batch" button to the right of the "Batch Number Drop Down" field.

  • Enter the batch date for this transfer batch. (This will also determine which period the adjustment takes place)
  • Enter a Reference for the Batch.
  • Choose the Financial Company if more than one is used (This should default and may not require changing)
  • Select the Branch Code if this is in use.

There are 4 greyed out fields that provide the following information:

  • Financial Period that this Adjustment batch is to take place.
  • The User that created the batch.
  • The Location of the user that created the batch.
  • The system generated Batch number.

Once you have entered all the details click the "OK" button to create the batch and you will be returned to the "Job Returns for Credit" screen.

To complete the transfer click the "Transfer" button.

You will then get a message to say that the process has been completed.

If you open "Job Adjustment Entry" and select the Batch number of the 'Returns' batch that you just created, you can view the transactions created by the "Job Returns for Credit Entry" process.

The created Job Adjustment batch will have 2 entries on it per transferred item. Each transaction will have a debit entry to the Returns job and a Credit entry to the project that the transfer has originated from. These values will balance to 0.

The "Job Returns for Credit" screen will now have an extra transaction on it. This is a reduction in Quantity and Value on the Job as this is the Transfer that has just been created. There will be a corresponding positive value for this transaction on the Returns job, as this is the Qty and Value of item for which you are awaiting a Credit.