Workbench inherits as much standard Windows Mouse and Keyboard functionality as is practical, as well as implementing some of its own intrinsic functions. While familiarity with other Applications developed around the Windows "standards" is an advantage, this manual attempts to not assume that the User has this experience. The following section, therefore, describes some of the functionality which has been incorporated in Workbench in an effort to ensure ease of operation, while enhancing the intuitive nature of the software.
- Display: Displays the chosen information.
- Close Form: Exits the data entry screen and returns to the Menu from which it was activated.
- New Record: Used on a number of data entry options, this button blanks all fields and readies the system to accept a new record (eg Job, Client or Supplier).
- Save Record: Having completed the entry of a new record, or alterations to an existing one, click on this button to save your changes.
- Undo Record: To undo any changes made to a record, this button should be "pressed" before saving the changes. If the Save button has been pressed, the changes will have to be undone manually.
- Delete Record: Use this function with caution; consult with your System Administrator. Incorrect deletion of records can have a profound effect of future access to data remaining.
- Change Job Code: This enables the User to change the Job Code of the currently displayed record (Job Master). Therefore it is first necessary to find and open the correct Job Number. As with the Delete function, use this button with care.
- Transfer Log: Allows the user to create a child log linked to the parent log.
- Query Log: Used in the Service Desk module to open a Lookup Window similar
to the Job and Client/Supplier Lookup. The <F4> key is not active in the Log Maintenance program.
- Find Record: This button can be used as an option to the <F4> key.
- Print Report: Sends the print requested to your default printer.
- Preview Report: For Users not familiar with reports and the data that they include, use this function to review the information which will be printed before committing it to the printer. Also use as a quick on-screen enquiry if no hard copy is required.
Open the E-mail window and insert the report as an attachment.Export:
Export the report to a separate file in the selected format e.g. .pdf, .xls, .csv, HTML, .rptUSING THE KEYBOARD:
The Keyboard implementation of Workbench is as per any standard Application. However, the use of the following Keys has been detailed for User convenience.
- The Directional or ARROW Keys
Within a data entry screen the Left and Right Arrow keys will move the cursor in those directions; the Up and Down Arrow keys are not used.
When a menu is displayed the directional keys will enable you to select one of the Menu Items – the button will have a dotted line square on it. This then will become the default response to the ENTER key press.
- The ENTER Key
Use this key to move from Field to Field within the body of a "Form" (data entry screen) although it is better to use the <TAB> key (see below) for this purpose. In addition, if the description on a button is surrounded by a dotted line, pressing the ENTER key will have the same effect as positioning the mouse pointer over the button and clicking the left mouse button.
The ENTER key can also be used to activate a Menu item.
- The F2 Key
Use this key to highlight the contents of a field. This is especially useful when replacing the contents of the field as it makes it unnecessary to delete each character individually. Highlight the contents of the field by pressing <F2> and then start typing. The old data will be deleted with the first keystroke and you will be free to continue typing.
- The F4 Key
Used to activate the Lookup Window for Jobs and Client/Suppliers. See the Finding Information section below for a full description of this function.
- The TAB Key
Use as for the ENTER key for moving through a Form. This key can also be used in conjunction with the HOME and END keys for navigating through a Menu without the use of the Mouse.
- Restricted Characters
Avoid the use of Upper Case Characters (mainly the characters above the number keys on the main keyboard e.g. !@#$%^&*()_+| but also `[];',./~{}:"<>?) in entries used as Codes e.g. Job Numbers, Client/Supplier Codes, Employee Codes, Profit Centres, etc. The basic rule for codes is that they should only contain numbers or the letters of the alphabet. However, it should be noted that some may be restricted to numbers.
Date Entry
The three main ways of entering the date on data entry are:
- Key in CTL: on a blank date field and it will put in today's date.
- Key in Date and Month and hit enter and it will automatically put in "this year". E.g. 0105
- Key in Date and month and forward slash and 4 digit year and it will put in the date of your choice. E.g. 0105/2002
These are like On/Off or Yes/No Switches, their state (On or Off, Yes or No) being determined by the presence or absence of a Tick, Cross or Dot (depending on the type of Check Box used. Review the following illustrations for examples of the Check Boxes that will be encountered throughout Workbench. For a description of how a List Box works, see the Finding Information section which follows.
Checkbox (Cross)
Checkbox (Dot)
Checkbox (Tick)
- One of the most important functions to be provided with Workbench is to make available to the User, the ability to find the correct data quickly and easily. In addition, it is important to be able to access analysis type information from the points at which is required without requiring reference to printed lists or forcing the User to "switch" programs in order to search for the correct Code. Specifically, this means being able to find the correct Client/Supplier or Job references, or other "codified" analysis data such as Job Type, Activity Groups, or Profit Centres as examples.
- For the category of data which is, typically, reasonably limited in quantity or number (generally the codified analysis data referred to in the paragraph above), access to available choices will be via a "List Box",
List Box
- "Expanding" a List Box is achieved by positioning the Mouse Pointer over the arrowhead at the right-hand end, and clicking once with the left mouse button.
- To select and insert your choice into the data entry field, simply click the left mouse button once while the mouse pointer is over the list item.
- Another way to use these fields, is to simply start typing a Name or Code into them. When the first letter or number is entered, the program will immediately start to display the list of options, beginning at that character. For example, if you are making an entry into a field that requires an employee's name, say SMITH, when the "S" is entered, the List Box will expand to display a list of names beginning with "S". The next letter will further refine the list displayed to those names starting with "SM", and so on. Eventually, you will be left with a number of SMITH entries to examine for the correct record.
- For the category of data where the number of options are, or the quantity of data is, both potentially large and expanding (such as Jobs and Clients/Suppliers) Users are provided with an expanded "lookup" facility enabling searches which can as specific or as general in nature as they desire. A general search will result in longer lists of choices to be "scrolled" through, while more specific searches will result in shorter lists, but may leave the User with the possibly mistaken belief that the data being searched for does not exist.
This expanded searching ability is provided through the Client/Supplier and Job Lookup functions.