(Batch Type = APAccounts Payable Invoices or Sub Claim or APAccounts Payable Credit) (Job Transaction Table)
DR GL Account
- If the DR GL Account on the job has an Account Code entered, then the expense is posted to that Account Code. Note that the full code is required i.e. includes the prefix, account number (or suffix). This handles purchases into Stock going to the correct Control Account. It will also handle the situation where users may wish to run a separate WIP account for a particular job or range of jobs.
- The host financials will determine the Creditors Control Account to which the CR will be posted, so this account code is not part of the export.
An AP Credit will still have a +'ve value in the Job Transaction Table. The AP Invoices table has a --1 in the Invoice Credit Flag field to distinguish the AP Credit. The Job Transaction value becomes a --'ve when multiplied by this field in the AP Invoices table.
Other Invoice Credit Flag codes are:-
-1AP 1 AP Credit
1AP 1 AP Invoice