The file has to have the following 21 columns
The file has to have the following 21 columns
Column | Column | Name | Description | Data Type | Length | Required | Validated |
1 | A | Price Code | Price Code | Text | 20 | -1 | No |
2 | B | Description | Plant description | Text | 50 | -1 |
3 | C | Company | Company Alpha Code | Text | 10 | -1 | Yes |
4 | D | Account Manager | Account Manager Full Name | Text | 50 | -1 | Yes |
5 | E | Job Manager | Job Manager Full Name | Text | 50 | -1 | Yes |
6 | F | Profit Centre | Profit Centre Code | Text | 20 | -1 | Yes |
7 | G | Activity Group | Activity Group Code | Text | 10 | -1 | Yes |
8 | H | Charge Type | Charge Type Code | Text | 5 | -1 | Yes |
9 | I | Price Code | Price Code | Text | 10 | -1 | Yes |
10 | J | Invoice Type | Invoice Type Code | Text | 5 | -1 | Yes |
11 | K | Job Status | Job Status | Text | 20 | -1 | Yes |
12 | L | CR GL Account | Credit GL Account for Internal Sale | Text | 20 | 0 |
13 | M | Group Code | Plant Group Code | Text | 20 | 0 | Yes |
14 | N | Location | Plant Location | Text | 20 | 0 | Yes |
15 | O | Driver | Driver Full Name | Text | 50 | 0 | Yes |
16 | P | Plant Class Code | Plant Class Code | Text | 10 | 0 | Yes |
17 | Q | Rate Code | Default Rate Code | Text | 10 | -1 | Yes |
18 | R | Cost Rate | Cost Rate | Number | 0 | 0 |
19 | S | Sell Rate | Sell Rate | Number | 0 | 0 |
20 | T | Work Code | Cost Work Centre Code | Text | 10 | 0 | Yes |
21 | U | Activity Code | Cost Activity Code | Text | 10 | -1 | Yes |
Name Fields
These are the Full Name from the People Table.
CR GL Account
GL integration options are:-
- Full GL String from the Job Masterfile
- Made up string from Job Profit Centre & CR GL Account from the Plant Cost Activity Code
The Import option is for the Masterfile full string which is the recommended approach.
Plant Group Code; Plant Location; Driver; Plant Class populate the Plant Details tab and validate against the existing Masterfile created under the Plant Setup menu
Plant Group Code
Plant Location
Plant Class
Rows 17 - 21 populate the default row in the Plant Costs tab
Rate Code is validated against the Rate Code Maintenance
Cost Work Centre is not mandatory but if entered must be a valid Work Centre
Activity Code is validated against the Activities master list
The following is an example of a spreadsheet for the plant Import.