Once you have selected a PO No data will display on the Header tab. Depending on the PO Basis selected (see above) summary information will display to clarify the exact source of the default This Invoice Value for the selected PO(s).
Sum of Original PO Value(s); :
Sum of the original value for the selected PO(s) on this Voucher
Less Prev AP Invoiced on PO(s); :
Sum of previous AP Invoice lines relating to the selected PO(s)
Outstanding on PO(s); :
Sum of Outstanding PO Cost relating to the selected PO(s)
Less Outstanding Vouchers on PO(s); :
Sum of Voucher lines on other uninvoiced Vouchers relating to the PO(s) on this Voucher
Default Value This Invoice;:
The net of the above defaults as the value for This Invoice Value - GST Excluded
Receipted Not Invoiced Basis
For information:
Sum of Original PO Value(s); :
Sum of the original value for the selected PO(s) on this Voucher
Less Prev AP Invoiced on PO(s); :
Sum of previous AP Invoice lines relating to the selected PO(s)
Outstanding on PO(s); :
Sum of Outstanding PO Cost relating to the selected PO(s)
The source of the Default Value for This Invoice:
Received Not Inv'd on PO(s); :
Sum of Receipted Not Invoiced lines relating to the PO(s) on this Voucher
Less Outstanding Vouchers on PO(s); :
Sum of Voucher lines on other uninvoiced Vouchers relating to the PO(s) on this Voucher
Default Value This Invoice; :
The net of the above defaults as the value for This Invoice Value - GST Excluded
This defaults to the Default Value for This Invoice under the options described above, with the default assumption being that the invoice received is for the full outstanding amount of the selected PO. This can then be edited manually where this is not the case.
The expected GST also defaults based on system settings, but can also be edited.
GST Excluded; :
The GST Exclusive value of this invoice. This will default to the Default Value This Invoice as described above, but can be edited
GST; :
The GST value on the received invoice
GST Included; :
The GST inclusive value of the invoice
Voucher People
Voucher Entered By
The person who created the Voucher
PO Purchaser
The user that created the Purchase Order. If more than one PO is selected on the Voucher it will be the Purchaser from the last selected PO
PO Approver
The User that Approved the Purchase Order. If more than one PO is selected on the Voucher it will be the Purchaser from the last selected PO
Voucher for Approval By
This will default to the PO Approver but you can change this to another user as necessary. You will notice that the 'Voucher for Approval By' text is shown in red. This indicates that the user will get a Notification message to let them know that a Voucher is awaiting their approval. When the Voucher has been approved, this label changes to 'Voucher Approved By'
Approver Location
This defaults to the location of the Voucher for Approval By person but can be changed where necessary.
This section allows you to enter any comments relating to the document e.g. Invoice for materials delivered - Delivery Docket Reference: DD 12345
Voucher Reason
Optional use. You can have a range of standard drop down voucher reasons here e.g. Materials, Services, Stock items
Voucher Approval
Three Approval buttons are provided:
- Approve By Voucher Approver
Clicking this automatically approves the Voucher using the name in the Voucher for Approval By field
- Approve By Me
Clicking this automatically approves the Voucher using the name of the logged in user
- Approve By Voucher Approver
Clicking this automatically approves the Voucher using the name of the PO Approver
The related Control Parameters and Admin Function settings may restrict the options available
See later details on the Approval process.
Edit PO Button
This button Button on the Voucher Maintenance screen allows the user to open the Purchase Order purchase order that has been selected on the Voucher voucher and edit its values if required.
- The PO will be Read-Only unless you have been granted the Admin Function
- "Vouchers Edit PO
- " which allows you to
- edit the Purchase Order.
- When you return to the Voucher screen you will need to reselect the PO
- # from the dropdown if you have changed values on the
- PO invoice and want them refreshed.
- To return to the AP Voucher screen from the Purchase Order Entry screen
- press the
- "Close
- " button.