IMPORTANT: This version of the datamodel requires a Sharperlight version of at least 3.1.19.
Changes include:
v2.1.6.2 - Fixed Forecast Period bug, Added leave tables to the standard data model, moved Stat Holiday tables to Leave Management Folder.
v2.1.6.1 - Fixed bug in Job Costs vs Budgets by Period table.
v2.1.6 - Added Expense tables.
v2.1.5.1 - Fixed bug around connection test by removing hard coded reference to the WorkbenchLicence database.
v2.1.5 - Periods change to use Sharperlight database - Added the following tables:
- Issues
- IssuesTypes
- Meetings
- MeetingItems
- MeetingPeople
- Action_Ext
- ActionGroupLines
- ActionGroups
- ActionLinks
- Actions
- ActionTypes
- StoredFileGroupFileTypes
- StoredFileGroups
- StoredFiles
v2.1.4 Add BOMHeaders_Ext.
v2.1.3 Fix default period on all Period fields.
v2.1.2 Include Labour Monitor tables.
v2.1.1 Include LogHeader extensions and Item Serial Numbers.