Employee Classes

Employee Classes

The information detailed in this module relates to Employee Classes within Timesheets. For more detailed information regarding Employee Classes refer to "Employees" in the Workbench Setup Guide.

Employee Classes define the basis for hourly Costing and Selling Rates for groups of employees. This is intended to be a standard costing regime where employees on similar wage rates will be setup in the same class and a standard Cost and Sell rate applied irrespective of the number of hours worked.

Note: There are no Costing and Selling Rates on the Employees People Table.

An extended version of this function is available if you wish to apply variable costing rates to take account of overtime etc. This option requires an alternative costing rate to be selected as part of the Timesheet line entry.

Cost Rate
If you wish to operate a costing model that reflects the "fully absorbed" cost of an hour you are able to define the composition of the rate in terms of Base, Overhead and Other.
The Labour Journal enables you to post the value of Labour Recovered (Credit) to a separate recovery account for each cost pool so you can more accurately match the actual costs with the value recovered at standard.

Transfer Rate
A separate costing rate can be applied when hours are worked on jobs outside the Employee Profit Centre.

Selling Rate
This is the default rate that will apply if there is no rate defined in the Price Codes table.

Transfer Pricing
Inter Branch or Inter Profit Centre.