

The Stock Transfers screen ('Stock Trf' batch type) enables stock to be transferred from one location to another with a single stock transaction.

This field is relevant only when opening a Batch which already exists. By "ticking" this box, all previously entered transactions, for the Batch which you select, will be displayed. If this field is left blank, none of the earlier entries will be visible.

Batch Number
Enter a Batch Number, select one from this list or create new. The batch date determines the period of the transaction.

Item Date
Enter a Date for this transaction.

From Location
Enter the Stock Location where the stock is transferred from.

To Location
Enter the Stock Location where the stock is transferred to.

Stock Code
Enter the stock code that is being transferred

Enter the adjustment quantity.

Cost Rate
Enter the transfer quantity.
The bottom of the screen displays the various costing rates for the stock item from the Item Masterfile. The Rate defaulted is as per the Control Parameter and is displayed at the top of the screen

Enter transaction text

Transaction Report
Use the print function to produce a report of the transactions entered.