Prepare Stocktakes

Prepare Stocktakes

Workbench stocktaking revolves around the preparation of a Stocktake. This takes a snapshot of the relevant stocktake detail according to your selection criteria. This becomes the basis for comparison to actual stock counted and any adjustment required.

"Existing Stocktake"
"Updated Stocktake"
You can go back into past Stocktakes through the above buttons:

The dropdown on Stocktake number gives you a list of all past Stocktake numbers, the date of the Prepare for Stocktake, the stock location and Stocktake title.

"New Stocktake"
"Get Next Stocktake No."
Press this button for the next sequential Stocktake number.

Overwrite or append depending on the criteria.
With the Existing Stocktake you have the toggle available "Refresh Existing On Hand Quantities". This allows you to overwrite any preceding Prepare figures. Once you have generated the Stock Count Adjustment you cannot change the Stocktake.

Stocktake No
Highlights the generated number

Preparation Date
Today's date & Time

Stocktake Date
The date that you want the Stocktake to apply to.

Stocktake Title
Enter a title for this Stocktake

Prepared By
Logged in User

Stocktake Status
Possibilities are Open and Closed.

Stock Location
Select a location. It is a Stocktake per location.

Enter your comments pertaining to this Stocktake

The following four fields are for further Stocktake selection.

  • Stockcodes
  • Categories
  • SubCatagories
  • Bin(s)