Revenue Allocation and Billing Consolidation Options

Revenue Allocation and Billing Consolidation Options

Revenue from the sale of any Header Job or SubJob can be allocated to the Header Job or the Subjob. This is determined by the Billing Consolidation on the Charge Type.

The level at which you wish to allocate the revenue is determined by how you wish to view job profitability. Allocating at the Subjob level allows a view of the profitability of that Subjob.
This would be the normal approach used.

Allocating at the Header Job level allows a view of profitability only on the Parent Job by rolling the costs from the subjobs into the Parent Job for reporting.

Billing Consolidation: Invoice Parent – Revenue on Job

  • The invoice is raised on the Parent Job but the revenue is allocated at the Subjob level, so profitability can be viewed at this same level. For SubJobs only

Billing Consolidation: Invoice Parent – Revenue on Parent

  • The invoice is raised on the Parent Job and the revenue is allocated at the Parent Job level, regardless of whether it is derived from the Parent Job or the Subjob. Profitability can be viewed only at the Parent Job level by rolling all the costs up to this level

Billing Consolidation: Invoice Job – Revenue on Job

  • The invoice is raised on the Job and the revenue is allocated to the job (Header Job or Subjob). This applies when billing a Job by itself (with no related Parent or Subjobs being included)

Billing Consolidation: Header Job with SubJobs (for Header Jobs only)

  • For a Header Job where there is a Header/SubJob relationship and no necessity to have a "Get Sales" button for the Header Job. Note: A SubJob must not have "Header Job with SubJobs" as its Billing Consolidation or it will not work.

Notes: Because it is the lowest level job in a relationship that dictates the Billing Consolidation it does not really matter what the Billing Consolidation is on the Header Job where you are invoicing the SubJobs.

The preferred Billing Consolidation for the Header Job is always "Header Job with SubJobs" unless you want to sell the Header Job as well.