GL Profit Centres

GL Profit Centres

This information relates to Profit Centres within Integration to Host Financials, for more detailed information on Profit Centres refer to "Profit Centres" in the Workbench Set up Guide.

Profit Centre General Ledger Prefix
Define your account prefix e.g. AK.01. This is typically the Branch / Department structure inherent in most GL account codes, and assumes the normal convention where the Branch / Department structure appears before the account number in the GL Code structure

Profit Centre General Ledger Suffix
Define your account suffix e.g. AK.01. This is typically the Branch / Department structure inherent in most GL account codes, but the use of the suffix allows the convention where the Branch / Department structure appears after the account number in the GL Code structure. Note that typically one or other of the Suffix and Prefix would normally be blank.

Note: Use of the '@' Symbol in GL Codes on Activity Codes and Sales Codes

If in setting up a GL Code it is immediately preceded by the '@' symbol e.g. @WN.01.200 then the GL integration will go to the account which follows the symbol as the full account e.g. WN.01.200, and will ignore any GL Prefixes or GL Suffixes on related jobs