Log Extension Data

Log Extension Data

Custom data fields are available for capturing user definable data for a particular Log. This data is held in Log Extension tables, in which the columns can be user defined.

A Log Extension Code is created in Log Extension Code Maintenance. This Log Extension Code is then attached to a Job via the Job Maintenance screen. Note that the Log Extension Code can be set in Job Templates.

Whenever a Job which has an Extension Code is attached to a log, a Log Extension Data tab will display allowing the capture of this additional data.

In the Log Extension Lines Maintenance screen, you then maintain the specific additional data fields you wish to display, The available fields are all those in the table named LogExtension

Field Name
The name of the field in the LogExtension table. Fields may be manually added to this table in SQL Server. On this case the Workbench program should be 'relinked' to the database, so that the added field is available in the 'Field Name' dropdown on this screen
NOTE: Only fields in the LogExtension table are visible in the dropdown

Label Name
Defaults to the Field Name, but can be edited to provide an appropriate label on the screen for users

Sequence Number
Determines the order in which the fields will display on screen

Append Desc
Where these checkboxes are ticked, the data in these fields is automatically used to create the Log Description when the Log Description is blank. If there is already data in the Log Description it provides the option to append this extension data to the existing description.