Deleting Unreconciled External Dockets
Deleting Unreconciled External Dockets
When a Job is Finalised, there may be dockets outstanding for which no AP Invoice has been received. There may also be dockets where the invoice was received, but it was not matched against any dockets, resulting in a double up of costs.
There is a process to reverse unmatched docket lines.
- Go to Docket Reconciliation screen
- There is a 'Reverse Unreconciled Dockets' button which will display when Unreconciled Dockets only are selected.
- Clicking this allows creation of an Adjustment Batch - the Adjustment batch will have negative totals for each Job / Work centre / Activity Code for the lines to be reversed, and a DR value against the Docket Job to reverse the control total for these dockets
- Flags these Docket lines as 'reconciled'.
, multiple selections available,