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Activity Codes are user defined cost codes used for recording and reporting job cost transactional data and are intended to describe the specific type of cost to facilitate effective job management and reporting.
Activity Codes are required for all the different types of cost transaction used by Workbench such as: Time, Purchases, Subcontracts, Retentions, Disbursements, Stock, Plant, Internals and Overheads.
These predetermined types are used to group like activity codes in reports and invoices.
Time |
Disbursement |
Purchase |
Stock |
Plant |
Internal |
Overhead |
Subcontract |
Retention |
Revenue |
Sub Type
All Time based Activities must be setup with a Sub Type to facilitate Employee Productivity Reporting in Timesheet Reports.
These user defined codes enable Activity Codes to be grouped under various categories for reporting purposes.
ACTIVITY GROUPS Anchor ActivityGroups ActivityGroups
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Activity Groups are used to restrict the use of Activity Codes on specified jobs and to provide a filtered list of Activities on Timesheets.