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Anchor_Toc142362194_Toc142362194 Anchor_Toc248637123_Toc248637123BackgroundBACKGROUND

We explained in the section Fundamentals to Understanding the importance of and the relationship between Invoice Generation (which comes from the "I" lines)and the Price on the Invoice (which comes from the values in the Cost Sheet).

Anchor_Toc142362195_Toc142362195 Anchor_Toc248637124_Toc248637124Invoice GenerationINVOICE GENERATION
An "I" Line will generate a Sell Line.

Where either Quote or Cost Sheet Header is selected for Invoicing the Sales line generated will be the item contained in the Control Parameter. "Default Item ID". There cannot be "I" lines within the Cost Sheet with this Invoice selection
Where the Sales Price is at Cost Sheet Line level the Sales Lines will be all the "I" lines in the Cost Sheet.

Anchor_Toc142362196_Toc142362196 Anchor_Toc248637125_Toc248637125Sell/Quote PriceSELL / QUOTE PRICE

The Selling Price for the quote can come from three sources.

  • Quote Header


  • : Sell Price will be the selling value that has come through from all the cost sheet lines adjusted by the Quote Adjustment.
  • Cost Sheet Header


  • : The Sell Price will be the Sell Value on every Cost Sheet Line within the Cost Sheet.
  • Cost Sheet Lines


  • : Sell Price will be the Sell Value of all the lines in the Cost sheet. These will all need to be "I" lines to keep the integrity of data between Sell Price and the Invoice.

Note: - Cost Sheet Lines - "Use Pricing". Where there is a SubAssembly with "Use Pricing" selected any Sell value on Sub Assembly lines will be ignored. The Sell Rate is from the Item only.

It is possible to have a sale price that is different to the "I" lines that will generate the invoice. Consequently it is important that the Sell/Quote Price is built up of only "I" lines.
Anchor_Toc142362197_Toc142362197 Anchor_Toc248637126_Toc248637126 Work Centre*


Work Centres in Procurement

If there is an "I" or "P" on a Cost Sheet line the Work Centre for that line will be the Work Centre in Procurement. (note: SubAssembly lines cannot have "I" lines)



  • Quote Header Invoice ticked. This will use the Work Centre of the Activity Code relating to the Default ItemID set up in the Control Parameter. The quote header will include the QVA.

Cost Sheet Invoice ticked. This uses:


  • The Work Centre on the Cost Sheet


  • Or if this field is null


  • , the Work Centre of the Activity Code relating to the Default ItemID, set up in the Control Parameter


  • for the creation of the "I" line in Procurement.
  • If you want the QVA to sell as an "I" line you will need to tick "Cost Sheet Invoice" on the Cost Sheet Header for the QVA. This will use the Work Centre of the Activity Code relating to the Default ItemID set up in the Control Parameter. (It would be our suggestion that you would not make a QVA an "I" line as you wouldn't sell an "adjustment" to a client. This would probably be included in an Invoiced Quote Header only.