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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Anchor_Toc142362131_Toc142362131 Anchor_Toc248637061_Toc248637061Process FlagPROCESS FLAG:

The Process Flag determines how each line in a Cost Sheet will be processed on Quote Acceptance and Create Procurement.

You set up your default Process Flag in the Control File Parameters.

Process Flag





This line will not generate a Sell or a Purchase line


Note: - SubAssembly (Bill) Lines default to N in a Cost Sheet. You may need to over-ride this if you want to Purchase the individual bill lines.




This Line will only be used for creating a Sell Line.


Where either Quote or Cost Sheet Header is selected for Invoicing the Sales line generated will be the item contained in the Control Parameter. "Default Item ID". There cannot be "I" lines within the Cost Sheet with this Invoice selection.
The quote header will include the QVA within its "I" line
If you want the QVA to sell as an "I" line you will need to tick Cost Sheet Invoice on the Cost Sheet Header for the QVA. (It would be our suggestion that you would not make a QVA an "I" line as you wouldn't sell an "adjustment" to a client. This would probably be included in an Invoiced Quote Header only.)
SubAssembly (Bill) Lines cannot be "I" lines
It is possible to have a sale price that is different to the I lines that will generate the invoice. Consequently it is important that the Sell/Quote Price is built up of only "I" lines.




This Line will only be used for creating a Purchase Line.




This Line will be used for creating a Sell Line and a Purchase Line




This line will only be used to create a Delivery line at time of Procurement
